Chemprotect a.s. Original life saving chemistry

The goal of this program project is to develop and test the decontamination technology including the selection of the most efficient desactivation materials. Developed (suggested) technology will fulfil the criteria for dealing with radioactive waste and will not harm the natural environment. Further and not least important goal of the project is to evaluate the technological equipment, pipe system and parts which were contaminated by natural radionuclides.

The project proceeds with the applied research and development (confirmation) of technology for decontamination of metal materials contaminated by natural radionuclides. The goal of the project is testing of decontamination technology. The project is fully in accordance to the Rules of EP and Council 2006/21/ES about dealing with waste from mining industry.

CHemProtect, a. s. participates on this project as coordinator during arranging expert and laboratory work according to the solutions of individual stages.

created by studio 2009/2010
© chemprotect 2010